Se per un dominio viene indicato l'uso dei server DNS ("nameserver") di DomainRegister...
Backup zone DNSSe un dominio utilizza i nostri server DNS, dalla propria area utente su...
Come aggiungere un record MXPer aggiungere un record MX ad un dominio che utilizzi il servizio DNS di DomainRegister:...
Configurazione dei DNS per l'utilizzo di ShopifyConfigurare il tuo dominio registrato su DomainRegister per usare i servizi di Shopify è facile e...
DNS Check ToolsThese check tools are: online (so are always ready to run in seconds, and you don't need to...
DNS Configuration for various DomainRegister Hosting ServicesLinux Basic, Starter and FractoCloud hosting package yourdomain.com A
DNS History ToolsA complete and comprehensive service to recover DNS history data for a certain domain does not...
Delega dei DNS di un sotto-dominio a server DNS esterniATTENZIONE: questa funzione è riservata a utenti esperti; errori, anche banali, nella...
Funzione Import records Gestione dei DNS Record SetsQuando si gestiscono numerosi domini che utilizzano i medesimi servizi, capita di doverne...
How to Configure DNS to Use GMail ServiceYou can configure the DNS of any domain registered by DomainRegister.international, in order to...
How to view a site before the transfer of the domain is completedDomain transfer is a process which can take several days to complete; in this case it may be...
IPV4 Subnet Mask Sheet. . AddressesNetmaskAmount of a Class C /31 2 1/128 /30 4...
PowerDNS control panel: PowerAdmin and PDNS ManagerPowerAdmin Site: https://www.poweradmin.org/ GitHub: https://github.com/poweradmin/poweradmin...
Recommended DNS TTL valuesWhen specifying TTL (Time To Live) values in DNS records, please be aware of the following...
Record DNS di tipo CAA e certificati SSLChe cos'è un record CAA?Un record DNS di tipo CAA ( Certification Authority Authorization ) serve...
Setting Up SPF RecordSPF (Sender Policy Framework) is a kind of DNS record, in order to fight spam and increase the...
What is DNS propagation?Every time you make a change to the DNS servers of your domain, or you modify any DNS record, you...
What is a "Glue Record"?Glue records are A records that are associated with NS records to provide "bootstrapping"...
What kind of DNS records can be managed?On our DNS shared server (ns1.drnameservice.com, ns2.drnameservice.com, ns3.drnameservice.com)...
Why can't I create a CNAME record for the root record?A CNAME record can't be defined as root record of a domain name: root record need to be an A...
caratteristiche profili di servizio DNSDomainRegister dispone di una potente ed affidabile infrastruttura DNS, costituita da tre nodi...