DomainRegister is not (yet) your Registrar? Doesn't matter: you can still use our powerful and reliable DNS service!
Each domain registered through DomainRegister has a powerful and flexible DNS management service available for free.
However, this DNS management service is also made available for domains that are not registered and maintained through ours.
So, if your Registrar provides a poor DNS service, or doesn't provide it at all, you can still take advantage of our DNS service, with the same powerful management tools and the same high quality.
Served from fully redundant infrastructure, distributed in three different coutries worldwide
Up to 2 million queries per domain per month
works with any domain, registered through DomainRegister or any other Registrar
Powerful and reliable
Fast propagation
Optimized infrastructured for quick propagation
Up to 2 millions of queries for each domain monthly
Custom solutions available to fit your needs
2FA protected control panel
100% uptime... for years
100% uptime ... for years DomainRegister doesn't just vaguely promise 99.9% uptime ... our DNS service has been running without interruption since 2011! Maintenance, updates, upgrades and failures have always been managed without ever compromising service continuity.
powered by PowerDNS Market leader, PowerDNS stands out for its reliability and flexibility