Gledate članke z oznako 'backup'
Se un dominio utilizza i nostri server DNS, dalla propria area utente su...
Backup/Restore policy for Shared Hosting ServicesWe undertake periodic backups of data on our shared hosting servers, but the final responsibility...
Come effettuare un backup del proprio sito con DirectAdminDirectAdmin mette a disposizione degli strumenti per effettuare un completo backup remoto del...
Come effettuare un backup in cPanelNOTA: questa guida si applica ai nostri servizi di hosting Linux (Basic, Starter, Pro,...
DirectAdmin - Manage user backups functions for ResellersReseller has access to a function to schedule and manage backups for his users. Backup may be...
How to automate MySQL backup using R1soft-Idera backupPlain R1soft-Idera backup does not directly support mySQL database backup. But with this...
How to Backup Your MySQL Database Using PHPThis simple PHP script will provide a full dump of your MySQL database.You need to provide...
How to backup your site to a FTP server with cPanelcPanel offers an easy and powerful way to backup your site, storing your backup set on a remote...
Tiered backup storage modelFor backup purposes there're several different tiers of available storage; the difference between...