makes some preliminary tests on authoritative nameservers for any domain, and the nameservers must pass successfully the test before being approved.
Tests are as follow:

  1. there must be at least 2 (two) authoritative nameservers for the domain name
  2. the IP addresses of the nameserver specified in the form must correspond to those actually associated with them in the DNS;
  3. a CNAME record cannot be associated with the domain name;
  4. the name of the nameserver specified in the SOA record cannot be a CNAME;
  5. the names of the authoritative nameservers for the domain name cannot be CNAME;
  6. a CNAME cannot be associated with the MX record, if present;
  7. if, during the verification procedure, at least one nameserver gives one of the following responses:
    •Not responding
    •Not reachable
    •Not running
    •Non-existent domain
    •Host not found
    •Server failure
    •Query failed
    the procedure fails.

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