26th Nov 2020

Price Changes for Afilias TLDs January 5, 2021

As of January 5, 2021, new first-year registration prices, as well as renewals and transfers for the below Afilias TLDs will be increasing in price. Please check your account on January 5, 2021, to see your new pricing. Price increase will affect following ...

26th Aug 2020

SSL/TLS Validity Periods Reducing to One-Year Max

Starting September 1, 2020, most browsers will no longer trust certificates with a validity period longer than 398 days. With an evolving industry, the shortening of validity periods is expected. As such, we have been diligently working on channel-friendly solutions to continue providing multi-year price incentives to our customers. After we ...

1st Jul 2020

Temporary Reduction of .it Domain Registration Fee

  DomainRegister, according to the initiative of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche aimed at providing help and support to Italy in this serious emergency situation due to Covid-19, has deliberated a temporary reduction of € 1 in costs for registration of .it domains. So, the basic fee for registering new .it domains drops from € 7.00 ...

29th Jun 2020

Payment issues with Wirecard credit cards

In the last 48 hours we have received several reports from our users, regarding the inability to make payments on our system using their credit cards. At a further check, all these cases were related to the use of credit cards linked to the Wirecard circuit (in Italy, especially SisalPay, but not only). This is due to the fact that the British ...

1st Jun 2020

How DomainRegister is supporting its resellers about COVID-19

The health measures imposed by the COVID-19 emergency have had on many companies an economic impact that is still difficult to quantify, but certainly serious. For our corporate and organizational structure, which for years has been strongly oriented towards "smart working", the impact in recent months has fortunately been very limited: we have ...

22nd May 2020

Down DC4 Irideos

Dalle ore 22:16 22/05/20 tutti i servizi del Datacenter DC4 di Irideos (Milano Caldera) risultano down a causa di un problema sulle linee di alimentazione. I tecnici Irideos sono al lavoro per il ripristino dei circuiti; i nostri tecnici sono in attesa del ripristino dell'alimentazione per poi procedere a loro volta al riavvio e ripristino dei ...

25th Mar 2020

Monthly Special - 10% off on SSL Certificates

    Receive a special 10% discount on our - yet best priced - SSL Certificates. Apply on every SSL Certificate category: DV (Domain Validated), OV (Organization Validated), EV (Extended Validation), Multi-domain and wildcard, and for every Certification Authority (DigiCert, GeoTrust, Thawte, RapidSSL, Comodo, Sectigo) Offer valid to ...

24th Mar 2020

Upgrade your Windows Hosting to a most powerful Package!

Our customers of Windows Basic package may upgrade their plan to Windows Starter o Windows Pro... with a 50% discount!!!!

Time limit is April 10th, 2020. Use promo code GOWINSTARTER.

20th Mar 2020

Supporting Our Customers During COVID-19

    To our valued customers, partners, and friends: We hope you and your loved ones are together, safe and healthy amid these unusual and uncertain times. As you take steps to adapt your own businesses to the challenges ahead, we would like to assure you that we remain committed to providing you world-class services and business ...

25th Feb 2020

Introducing the Sectigo Validation Manager

Sectigo has made some improvements to its SSL certificates order management portal (now called the Validation Manager) and made it more easily accessible to the end-user. Whenever you buy a Sectigo SSL certificate on DomainRegister, a link to access the Validation Manager will be included in the DCV (Domain Control Validation) or signer ...